sit in a chair

美 [sɪt ɪn ə tʃer]英 [sɪt ɪn ə tʃeə(r)]
  • 坐在椅子上
sit in a chairsit in a chair
  1. Before examinations some students do nothing at all except sit in a chair and worry .


  2. Danny can sit in a chair .


  3. I thought you were gonna sit in a chair ?


  4. When at rest , you 'll sit in a chair .


  5. I can 't sit in a chair reserved for friends and lie to your face anymore .


  6. It is fine to sit in a chair or on an arrangement of cushions on the floor .


  7. As a habit , Ariel would sit in a chair on the balcony , reading or doing her homework everyday when she comes home .


  8. Today , the pain is excruciating when I turn suddenly , but it doesn 't hurt much to sit in a chair or lie in a bed .


  9. You know the kind , the kind where a hypnotist is able to have people sit in a chair and then supposedly turn them into chickens , and things like that .


  10. Soak a t-shirt in the sink , wring it out , put it on and sit in a chair that lets air through to you in front of a fan .


  11. Sit in a chair with relevant materials easily in front of you . Give your sole , focused attention to your interviewer , and whenever possible make sure you are on a landline rather than shaky cell connection .


  12. Sit in a different chair at breakfast or take a different route to work .


  13. I like to sit in a comfortable chair to watch TV .


  14. You sit in a rocking chair and can 't get it going .


  15. Sit straight in a chair and place both feet flat on the floor .


  16. Now if you 're lazy you can sit down in a chair and do this exercise .


  17. After a while , he was able to sit up in a chair , although he was still too weak to walk .


  18. Cam once told me that all he wanted was someone to sit in a rocking chair and grow old with .


  19. The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair and read a half dozen newspapers .


  20. It was getting on toward six o'clock so I thought I 'd buy myself a beer and go out and sit in a deck chair by the swimming pool and have a little evening sun .


  21. I ` m not going to retire and sit around in a rocking chair , I can tell you that .
